
OWL - September 2020

Issue link: https://owlkids.uberflip.com/i/1282667

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Answers page 33. TEXT: JENNA CAMPBELL ILLUSTRATIONS: KATHY BOAKE 16 OWL September 2020 nswers page 33. Diprotodon Home: Plains, savannahs, and open woodlands in Australia Fact: Also known as the giant wombat, this creature is the world's largest marsupial. The Diprotodon is about as tall as a fridge and as long as a crocodile. But other animals have nothing to fear—this giant cutie prefers to eat plants. TREAL T EXTINCT T FAKE Rainbow Viper Home: Coastal deserts in Chile Fact: This snake changes colour each time it sheds its skin! During its lifetime, the reptile will cycle through over 100 different colours. It leaves its shedded skin around its territory. This works like a welcome sign for other vipers—and a warning for other creatures. TREAL T EXTINCT T FAKE +DLU\)URJϾVK Home: Tropical and sub-tropical waters around the world Fact: This carnivore is covered in spines that look like strands of hair and change colours. To catch prey, it wiggles a worm-like spine in front of its mouth, MXVWOLNHD¼VKLQJOXUH:KHQRWKHU¼VK and crustaceans get too close, it quickly swallows them whole! TREAL T EXTINCT T FAKE We've rounded up 10 bizarre creatures. Three are real, four are real but extinct, and three are fake. Can you guess which is which? Quagga Home: Plains of South Africa Fact: The quagga has stripes like a zebra on its front half and the colouring of a horse on its back half. This herbivore eats only grass and can weigh as much as a tiger. TREAL T EXTINCT T FAKE Brainbuster

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