
OWL - September 2020

Issue link: https://owlkids.uberflip.com/i/1282667

Contents of this Issue


Page 16 of 35

owlconnected.com 17 Anomalocaris TREAL T EXTINCT T FAKE Home: Waters near Kangaroo Island, Australia Fact: Growing up to 1 m (3.3 ft.) in length, this animal resembles a giant shrimp with wings. Its extended eyes give it 360-degree vision. 5HG/LSSHG%DWϾVK Home: Near the Galápagos Islands and off the coast of Peru Fact: These bottom feeders are known for their bright red lips, which make them look as if they're wearing makeup! They're not great swimmers, so they use their SHFWRUDO¼QVWRZDONDORQJWKHRFHDQ½RRU TREAL T EXTINCT T FAKE 0LUURUWDLO%XWWHUϿ\ Home: Saskatchewan boreal forests Fact: Their transparent wings help WKHVHEXWWHU½LHVEOHQGLQWRWKHLU surroundings, keeping them safe from predators. They can also easily steal food from small animals and insects. Nothing to see here! TREAL T EXTINCT T FAKE (OHSKDQW%LUG Home: Tropical forests in Madagascar Fact: These three-toed, thick-legged FUHDWXUHVDUHWKHZRUOG³VODUJHVW½LJKWOHVV birds. They can grow up to 3 m (9.8 ft.) tall and lay eggs that are bigger than basketballs. TREAL T EXTINCT T FAKE )O\LQJ 'UDJRQ Squirrel Home: Caves in Cappadocia, Turkey Fact: This reptile has skin that stretches from its hands to its feet that acts like a parachute! Using this feature, it glides from rock to rock as it catches bugs in mid-air. Its bushy tail gives off a pizza-like odor, which throws off most predators. TREAL T EXTINCT T FAKE Tufted Deer Home: China and Myanmar Fact: This deer is named after the dark tuft of hair on its forehead. The male has vampire-like fangs and small antlers that are mostly hidden by its fuzzy hair. TREAL T EXTINCT T FAKE

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