
chickaDEE September 2015

Issue link: https://owlkids.uberflip.com/i/554330

Contents of this Issue


Page 8 of 35

Making New Friends ______________ Don't know anyone at your new school? No problem! Follow these do's and don'ts! DON'T Pay an actor to be your friend in the schoolyard. DO Pay someone a compliment. You can say: "I like the book you're reading," or "That's a cool backpack!" to get the conversation started. No problem! Follow these do's and don'ts! your friend in the schoolyard. Pay someone a compliment. You can say: "I like the book "That's a cool backpack!" to get the conversation DON'T Introduce everyone to your pet monster. DO Introduce yourself. When they say their name, say "Nice to meet you!" DO Keep trying to talk to new people. Making friends takes time. If you like soccer, ask to join in on a game. DON'T Give up! DON'T Walk with a blindfold on so you don't have to see anyone. You might trip and fall.* DO Walk with your head up, smile and make eye contact with other people. You will look friendly and confi dent! If you do fall, see " * Help! I'm so embarrassed!" anyone. You might trip and fall.* Walk with your head up, smile and make eye contact with other people. You will confi dent! If you do fall, to join in on a game. DON'T DON'T Give up! ILLUSTRATIONS: DAVE WHAMOND PHOTOS: DREAMSTIME, THINKSTOCK CONSULTANT: AVI MANI, VICE PRINCIPAL, TDSB Turn for more tips ➪ _______________ Answer: All of the above. If you handle the fall (or any other embarrassing situation) like it's no big deal, everyone is likely to move on, too. Just like you did! I'm so embarrassed! * Help! Imagine this: You're walking down the hall. Next thing you know, you've fallen FLAT on the fl oor. Everybody saw. What do you do? a Make sure you aren't hurt. b Get up. c Say really loudly, "I'm okay!" d Laugh at yourself. e Walk on as if nothing happened. f All of the above! chickaDEE 9

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