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Chickadee 15 PHOTOS: LIAM MOGAN 2 Draw and cut out an animal head with legs coming off the bottom. 3 Decorate the animal head and legs . 4 Glue the bottom edge of the head to the strip of paper. Let the glue dry. 5 Slide the legs over the page to mark the last page you read! A R W K Cute Critter Paper Clip Pal 1 Cut a strip of paper 13 cm by 5 cm (5 in. by 2 in.). Set aside. Paper Clip Pal Tie yarn to the top of a paper clip and glue on tiny googly eyes! Use the clip to save your page. Bonanza Bonanza • coloured paper • markers • scissors • glue You'll need: What to do: D Pompom Party Pompom Party Glue a pompom to one end of a craft stick. The pompom will help you find your spot!