
OWL - September 2020

Issue link: https://owlkids.uberflip.com/i/1282667

Contents of this Issue


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"Stay calm and be ready to make new friends!" CRAIG 30 OWL September 2020 the buzz WH E RE OWL KI D S HAVE THEIR SAY "I'm starting at a new middle school and can't help but feel nervous. It's been a few months since I found out, and my nerves haven't gone away. What should I do?" —COLBY, 1O 1 Your favourite beverage of all time is: a) water b) hot chocolate c) fruit smoothie 2 Your friend is stressing about an upcoming test. You: a) listen to their worries b) offer studying help c) distract them with humour 3 If you could travel anywhere in the world, you'd visit: a) New Zealand b) England c) The Bahamas 4 In art class, you love making: a) sculptures b) paintings c) collages Best Friend Award! Find out which award you'd likely receive from your pals. "Slowly get to know everybody and make friends. When a new student came to my school, it took a bit of time, but now I'm friends with h im." JAMES "Talk to your parents. One of them might have also been a new kid once. You could even talk to neighbourhood kids to make some friends before school starts." LUCY Personality Quiz OWL readers share their advice. TALK ABOUT IT

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