
Chickadee - September 2018

Issue link: https://owlkids.uberflip.com/i/1012373

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TEXT: MELISSA OWENS ILLUSTRATIONS: BILL SUDDICK PHOTOS: MINDEN; ALAMY (INSET) CONSULTANT: KEA CONSERVATION TRUST; DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION NEW ZEALAND Family Kea are related to kakapo parrots. Fave Foods They eat berries, shoots, tubers, nectar, insect larvae and meat. Size They're about as tall as a cat. Toe-tally Awesome Like other parrots, kea have four toes on each foot: two that point forward and two that point backwards. Their toes act like hands, helping them grip things. Super Sounds Kea parrots communicate with lots of loud calls, including "Kee-yah!" Best Beak These birds use their pointy beaks to grab on to food in tight spaces, like between rocks. Baby Kea Female keas can lay two to four eggs at a time. The mom stays with the eggs for about a month while the dad looks for food. After the eggs hatch, kea chicks stay with their parents for four months before flying off on their own. Mountain Lover Kea live in New Zealand from the coast to the mountains. They're the only parrots that live in a mountain habitat. K E A P A R R O T WHERE IT LIVES SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN NEW ZEALAND AUSTRALIA chickadee 7

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